Rittman Girl Scout troop’s caps collection project spurs recycled bench effort

17 Feb

Rittman Girl Scout troop’s caps collection project spurs recycled bench effort

Daily Record Article: After struggling to find a community project that her daughter’s Girl Scout troop could do during the height of the pandemic, Heather Hudson found something that had been done in a nearby state. Read more at: https://www.the-daily-record.com/story/news/2022/02/16/rittman-nature-preserve-gets-recycled-bench-thanks-girl-scout-troop/6784330001/

Closed per Governor Dewine till April 6th

22 Mar

Governor Dewine has ordered shelter in place for all non-essential businesses in the State of Ohio until April 6th. We will be closed from now until then for the safety of our employees and customers. If you need immediate assistance, please contact Staci Noblett at Staci@plasticsrunique.com.  We are looking forward to "hitting the ground running" as soon as we return. Everyone please stay safe out there.

Breaking Bread on Bourbon Street Fundraiser for Feeding Medina County 2018

17 Mar

Marty & Staci Noblett had a wonderful evening Saturday at Breaking Bread on Bourbon Street for Feeding Medina County. Our 6’ Deluxe Cedar and Black Bench paired with JTS Landscaping certificate made for a relaxing auction set - ” Come and Sit for a While.” to find out how you can help Feed Medina County, check out their website at: www.feedingmedinacounty.org

A whole new way to collect Box Tops at school!

05 Oct

A whole new way to collect Box Tops at school!

Plastics R Unique built and donated the base for Isham Elementary’s new Box Top Competition Collection Station. Helping the kiddos be able to see how many Box Tops their class is collecting and helping the parent volunteers wrangle those tops!

Outdoor Classroom at Valley View Elementary

05 Oct

Outdoor Classroom at Valley View Elementary

Valley View Principal and Plastics R Unique worked together to create an amazing outdoor classroom for the students and teachers at Valley View Elementary School in Wadsworth, Ohio. Outdoor classroom research is showing that children need and benefit from more time outdoors. They enhance and add hands on experiences, allows physical activity and multifaceted approaches to cognitive development that connect children to nature and maximize their learning outcome. Plastics R Unique was thrilled to donated several of the tables used for the outdoor classroom. A local landscaping company also helped with the landscaping of the area.

Breaking Bread on Bourbon Street Fundraiser for Feeding Medina County

10 Apr

Breaking Bread on Bourbon Street Fundraiser for Feeding Medina County

Our 4’ Deluxe Cedar and Black Bench paired with JTS Landscaping certificate was one of the highest performing auctions this last weekend at Breaking Bread on Bourbon Street Fundraiser for Feeding Medina County! It was such a hit that Plastics-R-Unique is donating a second bench for the second highest bidder as well. To find out how you can help Feed Medina County check out their website at: www.feedingmedinacounty.org

The opening of Holmesbrook Trail - Bench Donation

01 Mar

The opening of Holmesbrook Trail - Bench Donation

The opening of Holmesbrook Trail will be celebrated with a ribbon-cutting ceremony at noon on Oct. 1. The event will be hosted by the Friends of Wadsworth Trails and the city of Wadsworth. Wadsworth residents Melissa Petit, in pursuit of her Girl Scout Gold project, and Jacob Roden, pursuing his Eagle Scout project, worked together to develop the trail. It was extremely difficult to create the trail due to the terrain and topography, but Jacob did an excellent job in the trail installation, which now exists from the end of the paved trail at Holmesbrook through the woods to Wolfe Avenue. Melissa and Jacob also cleaned up and redefined the Roth Eagle Trail that leads from the end of the paved trail to Waverly Street. Melissa was able to obtain a donation of two benches from Plastics-R-Unique and was involved in the bench installation, as well as the acquisition and placement of plants around the benches. The city will add one more bench and signage to mark the trail more clearly.

Source: http://www.thepostnewspapers.com/wadsworth/local_news/

Bench donated by Plastics-R-Unique - Eagle Scouts

01 Mar

I am asked to attend many ribbon-cuttings throughout the year, and recently, I attended one hosted by Eagle Scout Nathan Lockwood for a series of multi-purpose trails built by Troop 400.

The trails were built over the past two years in Friedt and Holmesbrook Parks and are connected by a bridge northwest of Holmesbrook pond. Nathan marked the trail heads with signs and placed a bench that was donated by Plastics-R-Unique. As a result of several Eagle Scout projects, all the trails built by the Boy Scouts in these parks are now linked together.

Additionally, other improvements were contributed by the Girl Scouts. The Boy Scouts worked with Assistant Service Director Harry Stark to coordinate support from the City of Wadsworth parks department, water department, street department, Steve Trzcinski and Mitch Reese for these Eagle Scout projects. Thanks to Nathan, Alex Mortensen, Dan Parke, Drake Withers and Adam Jackson of Boy Scout Troop 400 and all the scouts who have donated their time to our parks. Our trail system in Wadsworth is growing bigger and better!

Source: thepostnewspapers.com/wadsworth/

This recycler’s not afraid to break the rules

01 Mar

Ken Boersma, president of recycler Plastics-R-Unique in Wadsworth, Ohio, didn't start out in recycling - or even in plastics. Instead, he worked a 900-acre farm in Indiana, where Boersma learned that he liked working for himself and was "blessed with an ability to design equipment in my head and then build it." This untutored skill has led him to invent machines and processes that make trained engineers shake their heads. Like the bumble bee that supposedly cannot fly, his recycling systems shouldn't work - but they do.

He left the farm in 1973 and started a trucking business. He got into recycling inadvertently when he drove a truckload of ground-up polypropylene battery cases from Cleveland to Tampa, Fla. When he got there, the processor rejected it for contamination. That got Boersma thinking that if he could find a way to clean it up, this reclaimed plastic was great raw material. He then bought an old extruder, built a float/sink wash tank, got an EPA permit, and before long was reprocessing two truckloads a week, 4 million lb a year, of battery cases.

Source: thefreelibrary.com