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Closed per Governor Dewine till April 6th

22 Mar

Governor Dewine has ordered shelter in place for all non-essential businesses in the State of Ohio until April 6th. We will be closed from now until then for the safety of our employees and customers. If you need immediate assistance, please contact Staci Noblett at  We are looking forward to "hitting the ground running" as soon as we return. Everyone please stay safe out there.

Bench donated by Plastics-R-Unique - Eagle Scouts

01 Mar

I am asked to attend many ribbon-cuttings throughout the year, and recently, I attended one hosted by Eagle Scout Nathan Lockwood for a series of multi-purpose trails built by Troop 400.

The trails were built over the past two years in Friedt and Holmesbrook Parks and are connected by a bridge northwest of Holmesbrook pond. Nathan marked the trail heads with signs and placed a bench that was donated by Plastics-R-Unique. As a result of several Eagle Scout projects, all the trails built by the Boy Scouts in these parks are now linked together.

Additionally, other improvements were contributed by the Girl Scouts. The Boy Scouts worked with Assistant Service Director Harry Stark to coordinate support from the City of Wadsworth parks department, water department, street department, Steve Trzcinski and Mitch Reese for these Eagle Scout projects. Thanks to Nathan, Alex Mortensen, Dan Parke, Drake Withers and Adam Jackson of Boy Scout Troop 400 and all the scouts who have donated their time to our parks. Our trail system in Wadsworth is growing bigger and better!
